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Top Tips For Improved Sleep

beautiful young woman is sleeping in the bedroom
beautiful young woman is sleeping in the bedroom
  1. Establish A Regular Sleep Routine

Make it a habit of going to bed and waking up at exactly the same time every day. This helps the body translate when its time to sleep and wake up.


  1. Limit Your Time On Bed To 8 Hours Per Day

Limiting your time on the bed to at least 8 hours makes it easier to maintain a healthy circadian cycle than if you were to alternate sleeping hours. Some people, depending on their current situation, will need a few/more hours of sleep. It would, however, be advisable to spend no more than 8.5 hours in bed.


  1. Avoid Bringing Electronic Devices To The Bedroom

TVs, phones, and computers, among other electronic devices, emit blue light which can affect your sleep patterns. It would thus be advisable to restrict electronic device use outside your bedroom.

Bored couple, husband and wife in bedroom

Bored couple, husband and wife in bedroom using personal electronics devices

  1. Have A Bedtime Routine

Make it a habit of indulging in relaxing activities (reading a book, taking a warm bath, or listening to relaxing music) a few minutes to going to bed. These relaxing exercises help bring your heart rate down and allow the mind to calm down.  This helps prepare the mind and body for a restful sleep.


  1. Make Your Bedroom As Comfortable As Possible

The bedroom environment needs to be just right to promote sleep. Invest in a Bear mattress, blackout curtains to keep light out, comfortable beddings, and set bedroom temperature a few degrees lower. Lower bedroom temperatures make it easier for the body to cool down and drift to sleep.


  1. Limit Your Cigarette, Alcohol, And Caffeine Intake

Caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol can be disruptive to your sleep patterns. These chemicals are classified as stimulants, one of the reasons you should limit your intake/use of the same several hours to bedtime. Although alcohol might seem helpful, it will force you to make repeated trips to the bathroom, disrupting your REM.


  1. Avoid Daytime Naps

Daytime naps are a quick fix when feeling drained and need the extra energy to push through the day.  The naps can, however, be disruptive, making it hard for you to sleep well at night. Try to avoid napping during the day as much as possible if suffering from insomnia.


  1. Avoid Clock Watching

Do you always find yourself watching the clock while in bed?  Doing so only increases your stress levels, making it hard to fall asleep.  Turn the clock to face away from you or even better, remove it from the bedroom altogether.

Alarm clock, eye mask, pills and glass of water on pink background

Alarm clock, eye mask, pills and glass of water on pink background. Insomnia or depression treatment for sleepless nights

  1. Avoid Sleeping Pills

Although sleeping pills might help you sleep, they could be the reason for your troubles falling asleep.  It would thus be advisable to reduce your dependence on these and try natural remedies for sleep instead. See a sleep expert if struggling with sleep or have a dependency on these pills.

Albert Roberts

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